We are prone to blame the moisturizer we use for our shiny faces. But it is more complicated.
While the product is the obvious culprit, many other factors can be included in the equation. Skincare is just part of the problem.
To properly understand the issue, we must include the whole environment that may lead to a shiny face.
Let’s find it out.
Why Does My Moisturizer Make My Face Shiny?
- The skin produces more sebum than needed;
- I experience a period of hormonal disbalance;
- I have oily skin;
- I have a diet which stimulates skin issues;
- The climate I live in supports shiny skin;
- My skincare routine leads to a shiny face;
- The stress is too much lately.
Let’s cover these factors one by one.
The skin produces more sebum than needed
What is sebum, what is the process of producing it, and how is it related to a shiny face?
We, as humans, have sebaceous glands. They are most concentrated on the scalp and face, and in particular- the acne-prone areas. They are responsible for sebaceous secretion – sebum.
Even if we are not fans of “shining” the face, we must admit that it is vital for our skin, as it lubricates the face’s epidermis and protects it from cracking, drying, etc.
And as we well know – excessive secretion of sebum leads to oily hair and face, while lack of enough sebum leads to dry skin and hair.
And lucky are the people who enjoy balanced sebum production and normal skin type!

As a result of sweating and the perfect self-cooling mechanism, our skin can look oily.
Sweat and sebum don’t mix well when they meet on the skin’s surface, and so little droplets appear, giving the skin a shiny appearance and making it look greasier than it is.
Visually, we can explain things like this: if we pour oily droplets into a bowl of water, they will remain on the surface and look like the whole container is full of grease.
This is also how we deal with excess sebum: we don’t look for the solution for these droplets but try to dry the whole bowl. And this leads to skin deterioration and the appearance of excessive oiliness.
Applying oily moisturizer on skin with excess sebum can result in a shiny face.
If the skin produces excessive sebum that cannot be removed entirely due to dead skin cells, clogged pores and pimples can form on the skin.
I experience a period of hormonal disbalance
Hormones control sebum production – androgens such as testosterone, for example, stimulate them and can thus cause impurities.
Hormonal fluctuations, such as during puberty, are a common cause of problem skin.
Also, spots during pregnancy or pimples during the monthly cycle are caused by hormonal fluctuations.

These are periods when we can experience a shiny face after applying skincare.
I have oily skin
It is one of the skin types (together with dry, normal and combination).
We have already established the connection between excessive sebum production and oily skin.
When this condition is weak to moderate, some face shininess is not a problem.
Severe oily skin is where someone should pay more attention.
I have a diet which stimulates skin issues
The skin is one of the body’s detoxification organs.

If its condition deteriorates, it is a sign that something is wrong inside – an unhealthy diet often comes to light this way.
If used, you can reconsider the large consumption of milk products, packed food, salt, white sugar, cigarettes and alcohol.
Substances contained in milk and products of animal origin could disrupt hormonal balance. It is hormones that are responsible for the formation of pimples.
Sugar doesn’t just mean chocolate, cake or sweets. Simple sugars are also hidden in fruit and sweetened juices.
Alcohol often dehydrates the skin and therefore dries it out.
The climate I live in supports shiny skin
When the air quality is good, it has a positive effect on the appearance of the skin.

The opposite statement is also valid, unfortunately.
In general, urban air contains more fine dust or other dirt particles that can cause acne on the skin.
Excessive heat or cold can also strain the skin – it is much more susceptible to clogged pores and dirt.
My skincare routine leads to a shiny face
If you have oily skin, thick, heavy cream can lead to a greasy film on the skin.
Here are some possible solutions:
You may try gels and serums—for example, hyaluronic acid and niacinamide-based products.
Opt for light cleansers, hydrating water-based moisturizers, a mattifying toner and an active anti-blemish product.
For problems with oily skin prone to comedones and acne, use a daily treatment product to beat stubborn imperfections.
Use products specifically formulated for oily skin and non-comedogenic makeup.
And don’t forget the sunscreen, even in winter.
The stress is too much
Previously, experts believed that nerve endings only reached the skin.
Now it is known that they reach even the uppermost layers of the skin.
Stress, hectic life, and anger can cause hormonal disturbances that trigger tiny inflammations just below the surface of the skin.
Do you often find yourself in stressful situations in everyday life?
This can also be the cause of the development of acne and blackheads on the skin.
Stress can attack the skin’s lipid barrier. The result: water in the skin evaporates more efficiently, and the skin dries out quickly.
In conclusion
A shiny face is not something terrible. It is natural, as the sebum produced by the body protects the skin from the harmful environment.
There are two reasons why we may worry about shiny faces after applying moisturizer.
It is related to skin issues, like excessive oiliness and when the face looks unaesthetic.
If this is the case, we have the knowledge and the tools to oppose this phenomenon.
Whether it is a skin type, diet, climate, stress or improper usage of the moisturizer, there is a lot we can do to fix the issue.
Thank you for reading!